2024 Update

11 October, 2024 | keystroke

So it has been a while since my first and previous post about life. Since then it’s been a mix; I found and lost a best friend while finishing uni causing some of the worst mental anguish of my life. However now I also have tits and a bachelors degree so it’s not all bad.

I finally launched this blog which feels big, as I’ve been writing these markdown files with the intention of putting them up somewhere since like 2022. Now comes the challenge of actually writing things. Despite having a bunch of projects since finishing uni, none of them feel blog-worthy as they mostly seem to be of projects that already have fairly good documentation; a boombox and cassette repair, updating my phone setup, and replacing buttons in my mouse.

I want this blog to be a record of things that have little documentation to maybe help people in the same incredibly specific situation as well as my journey through those uncharted waters, and there just hasn’t been much of that I guess.

Hopefully I’ll still have new things though, the reviews are fairly simple: do them when I read an interesting book. I’ll have some interesting tech stuff coming with a weird car repair and hopefully in me finally fixing my 3d printer that I’ve been working on and (mostly) off for the past 2 years, so things to look forwards to.

In the meantime, I still have my girlfriend and I’ve managed to make a couple of other friends who hopefully won’t leave me this time. The potential of moving out looms closer on the horizon than ever. Hopefully things look up.

If you want to leave a comment or share your thoughts, consider emailing me!