Hot Headed, Cold Blooded - Epilogue

10 February, 2025 | keystroke

Interview room 7b, 1002 hours.
		Pilot debriefing.

The interviewer, a tall woman with a business-like disposition and a clipboard, finished reading out the rescue debriefing.

“…Recommendations are that future air patrols be deployed with fighter escort to maintain air superiority, and that pilot Charlotte be inducted into the homoerotic rivals program and given required training.”

She flipped the page over the back of the clipboard.

“That’s the debrief from the rescue teams obtained last night, however you were unable to be debriefed until this morning due to your injuries. We would like you to correct any errors made in the rescue report during the airborne part of your mission, as well as recount what happened after the crash. It’s understandable if you don’t want to go into detail with everything, given your, ahem, encounter.”

She gives a knowing smile while remaining professional.

Charlotte, still processing, looked up.

“Why would I not want to share- Wait.” Her eyes squinted. “What do you mean ‘homoerotic rivals program’?”

“We like to encourage positive relationships with rival factions. These relationships can come in many forms, but due to the nature of many of our agents, a homoerotic rivalry is one-”

Charlotte interrupted. “No I figured out that part.” Her voice rose slightly in pitch. “Why am I being referred to it? Nothing happened!”

“Something happened alright.” Sidearm bragged. “I basically had her on a leash the way she was making eyes at me. You wouldn’t wanna know where things would have gone had her boss not been so quick on the medevac.”

A much-suffering interrogator sighed.

“There’s no need to be coy pilot, The Overlord is quite a progressive employer as I’m sure you’ve noticed, you won’t get in trouble for ‘fraternizing with the enemy’ as it were.”

“No, I mean it! Nothing happened! All we did was talk!”

“Pilot Charlotte, we are aware of the bite marks sustained on your arm. The lack of trauma around the injury suggests that the bite was consensual. Consensual feeding is often considered extremely intimate.”

“It was starving! Of course I offered to help.”

“Pilot, vampires can usually survive for around three days without feeding.”

Charlotte’s face twisted in thought.

“Maybe… Maybe it was still hungry? Just because I can live for days without food, doesn’t mean I don’t really want to eat.”

“…You are aware that vampire bites are typically a metaphor for sex? It could have easily fed after you left.”

Out of excuses, she pursed her lips together. “That motherfu- I’m going to kill it I’m going to kill it I’m going to kill it.

The interviewer quietly marked off a box labelled “enemies to lovers” on her clipboard.

Charlotte had to take a deep breath to try and centre herself again. She could feel how worked up she was getting from the heat in her cheeks that was definitely anger. She needed a new approach.

“Wait. We can’t be homoerotic rivals, it doesn’t have a gender so it can’t be gay!”

She was proud of herself for that one. The interviewer merely raised an eyebrow.

“Would you describe the relationship as just an ‘erotic rivalry’ then?”

She spluttered. “That’s not what I meant!-”

The interviewer ploughed onwards. “Additionally, Mx Sidewinder has nominated you as its homoerotic rival, we received the request a little earlier this morning.”

Charlotte had no words left.

“Now, if you’d like to go over the paperwork with me so we can formalise this, I can…”

Register an Erotic Rivalry

Work for a rival organisation and developed an erotic rivalry with one of our minions? Please register it here!

A. Applicant Details

First Name: Sidearm  ‎ Last Name: n/a      ‎ Pronouns: it/its ‎ Honourific: Mx 
Employer: The Count             ‎ Country of Residence: Romania              

B. Employee Details

Name: idk the cute baby mech pilot                                          
Please describe in detail your encounter with our employee:
So this chick shot me down, but not before I impaled her with a sword but   
anyway we ended up sheltering in the same cave, and neither of us could win 
so we started talking. I guess there must have been some connection because 
pretty soon she’s offering me her neck and she’s cute so I figured why not  
give this a shot                                                            

C. Rivalry Details

How would you describe your rivalry?
Gay and clueless (on her part)                                              

How often do you want to meet on missions?
Every fortnight to a month?                                                 

How much bodily harm do you intend to inflict?
Nothing more than bites ;3                                                  

Signature:                 ‎ Date:                 

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